Wednesday, November 15, 2006


Motorhead are one of those bands that you do not hear about, you just already know they exist. You may not have heard anything by them (if you live in a cave somewhere in Afghanistan) but you know they exist. I have never been a big fan (though I have three albums and an EP) but on the 25th some friends and I are off to see them at the Brixton academy, so I thought it was time to give them a listen and dig out what I had. I was shocked to discover the only thing I have on CD for Motorhead was the Ace of Spades which came on a free CD in the Daily Mail, this raised a few questions,1:how did Motorhead become respectable and acceptable to be on a freebee in the Mail? and 2: how did I end up buying the daily mail?

Back to the tapes I suppose.

To be honest the first time I came across the band I was most likely sneakily watching repeats of the Young Ones on BBC 2 on a little black and white telly in my bedroom (mother disapproved of the young ones), they also appeared in Eat the Rich (just discovered also stars shane macgowan) “The scene involving Lemmy riding a motorcycle is played by female stunt double as Lemmy was on tour with Motörhead in America at the time the scene had to be shot.” wikipedia.

Going to see Motorhead seems more like a pilgrimage than anything else, you should do it at least once in your lifetime.
Hopefully I will have some photos to show of the gig.

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