This album needs no introduction. Being such a classic (in my opinion), it was hard to put through my grading system without colouring the result.
My first taste of Faith No More was watching the video for Epic on ITV’s Saturday chart show, this show would only perform the rock chart once every three weeks and this only lasted about six or seven minutes (that’s almost all the rock music we got on TV back then), and this video seemed to be there forever.
So to the crunch, cooking to The Real Thing was easy, getting funky in the kitchen to Faith No More seemed almost natural. In fact, you can do any number of household chores to this, washing, feeding the dog, loading the dishwasher (ah modern appliances, heaven on earth). For culinary soundtrack, this gets a grandiose 9/10.
Next, I came up with a new test, playing Delta Force Black Hawk Down (the only computer game I played so much I wore the disc out). Playing the game and listening to the music at the same time was a little distracting but amusing at the same time especially when the fantastic cover of war pigs came on, so for gaming it gets a 7/10.
Finally cycling, a bit mixed here, parts of the album were fantastic to ride to but others not so here The Real Thing gets 5/10.
An overall result of 7/10 and for some reason it sounds better in the sunshine but this s something I cannot explain.
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