While not huge on the Black Crowes, what I do own has always been enjoyable. A couple of years ago I bought Greatest Hits 1990-1999: A Tribute to a Work in Progress and that pretty much covered what I wanted. Anyway, Warpaint came along, I was bored, and it just went from there.
As always, I like to cook to music and it started well but found that after the first couple of tracks the album lost its culinary vibe, this being my main musical listening activity I was quite disappointed. Still somehow the album ends up on my mp3 player (actually its my sons, mine died a while back) and I find myself cycling to it, I resisted skipping it to something faster and heavier which I normally prefer to ride to and listened through, and it was surprisingly good. Next test was lounging, and yes you can lounge to it, be it in the bath, reading a book, or mooching along on a warm summer evening it’s a good listen. The one thing I have found strange about Warpaint is that it sounds better when you are alone, it’s a lonely album.
So for cooking 3/10, sorry. For cycling it gets 6/10 because its good but not great, it won’t help you win the Tour de France but it’ll get you to work. Finally, for monging out it gets a classy 9/10.
6/10 not bad for an album that makes you want to visit that bar in your imagination, you know the one, wooden floors and that ground in whisky smell, where they still smoke and everybody’s cool.